Predicting the rain weeks in advance
Machine learning could help us understand the relationship between water vapour transport and the amount of rain that falls at different locations.
What is detection and attribution?
Understanding the role of climate change behind costly or deadly impacts allows for mitigation and response systems such as building codes or public health resources to be sufficiently bolstered, particularly as the risk of impacts increases.
BOM finally calls El Niño
This week, the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) announced that an El Niño has been declared and is underway in Australia.
The Bureau of Meteorology declares El Niño
New science as Australia heads into an El Niño period.
What is the Pacific Walker Circulation?
The strength of the Pacific Walker Circulation is a major part of what determines if we are in a La Niña or El Niño period.
New study helps solve a 30-year-old puzzle: how is climate change affecting El Niño and La Niña?
We can expect more intense and frequent El Niño and La Niña events.
What is El Niño’s impact on Australia’s weather and climate?
Climate models suggest that the rainfall decrease and temperature increase during El Niño will likely intensify in the future.
Rainfall relief for Northern Australia during El Niño: New research
New research finds a significant interaction between the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Madden-Julian Oscillation, with major implications for Northern Australia.
El Niño and La Niña multi-year events could become more common: New research
Wet and dry periods could stick around for longer.
We just blew past 1.5 degrees. Game over on climate? Not yet
There’s now good evidence that even if we overshoot 1.5℃, we could still reverse it by ending emissions and soaking up excess greenhouse gas emissions.