In order to be considered for affiliation with the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CLEX) a student needs meet to all three of the following criteria:
- be enrolled in one of our five universities,
- be formally supervised by a CLEX Chief (CI) or Associate Investigator (AI) (for students supervised by an AI, the supervisor should inform the node lead CI and node admin. The lead CI should raise any concerns about affiliation with Melissa Hart before the student completes the affiliation form)
- be working on a topic aligned with the Centre’s goal- “to transform our understanding of past and present climate extremes and revolutionize our capability to predict them into the future”
Students who do not meet the above criteria, or are visiting students, can be kept informed about opportunities available via the Graduate Program for students outside the centre (e.g. winter schools) via our CLEX.grad email list. Please get in touch with CLEX.grad by email if you would like to be added to this list (
Opportunities available to CLEX students include:
- Unfettered access to the CLEX Graduate Director, Dr Melissa Hart. In addition to leading the CLEX Graduate Program, Melissa advocates for Centre students to ensure they get the most from their candidature.
- A welcome pack introducing the Centre and an invitation to a “Welcome to the Centre” videoconference (held twice per year).
- Access to all resources and opportunities available through the Graduate Program, this includes annual winter schools, workshops, training opportunities.
- Eligibility for CLEX student prizes.
- Addition to the CLEX alumni network on graduation.
- The student may also receive financial support for travel subject to: funding availability, and the relevance of that travel to the Centre’s core research objectives and the student’s academic program. All applications for travel support will be assessed subject to satisfactory academic progress, and will require support from supervisor(s). Funding will be allocated with the following priority: visits to Centre workshops and events, extended visits to interstate nodes or partner organizations, overseas summer schools and workshops. Support for conference travel may be considered, however students should first explore funding opportunities for conferences available through their universities. Support may come from their supervisor’s CLEX funds, funds held at the student’s university or from centrally held funds in special circumstances. CLEX funding will only be provided to support CLEX research activities.
Obligations- CLEX students are required to:
- Include the Centre as an affiliation in any publications related to their CLEX research.
- Be linked to at least one of the Centre’s research programs.
- Report all Centre related activities via the centre’s database, including, when the time comes, details of thesis submission and post-graduation destination.
- Provide a photograph and short biography for publication on the CLEX website.
To apply: Students and supervisors should complete this form.
If you have any questions, please contact Graduate Director- Melissa Hart.