Tag Archive: April 2021

Media & communications report – April 2021

April 22, 2021 10:24 am Published by Comments Off on Media & communications report – April 2021

The past few months following the mid-term review have seen a reorganisation of our research programs and a corresponding rearrangement of the website into these programs. Over the coming months, all previous research briefs will be shifted under the programs and regular research program meetings will be included in the Weekly Updates.

Chief Operating Officer’s report – April 2021

April 16, 2021 2:19 pm Published by Comments Off on Chief Operating Officer’s report – April 2021

Here we are, roughly a third of the way through 2021 and also at about the mid-point of CLEX’s seven-year lifecycle. Many of you will no doubt be aware we were formally reviewed by the ARC in the second half of last year and the review findings were delivered early this year.

CLEX Director’s report – April 2021

April 16, 2021 2:05 pm Published by Comments Off on CLEX Director’s report – April 2021

We have started 2021 some reorganisation of our research programs. While our research has not changed, it is now framed in five research programs that emphasise the strengths of our Centre and should lead to deeper interaction between the programs.

RP2 Attribution and Risk report – April 2021

April 14, 2021 11:00 am Published by Comments Off on RP2 Attribution and Risk report – April 2021

The newly formulated Attribution and Risk research program is by its very nature focused on the impacts of weather and climate on our society. A key piece of research on business risk and the emergence of climate risk perfectly highlighted this.

Weather and Climate Interactions Report – April 2021

April 14, 2021 10:39 am Published by Comments Off on Weather and Climate Interactions Report – April 2021

Welcome to the first Weather and Climate Interactions RP report. The new program name is simply a result of rationalising CLEX’s continuing research program under new headings that more clearly delineate the focus of the work we do.