Tag Archive: ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes

Research brief: The biogeochemical structure of Southern Ocean mesoscale eddies.

August 3, 2020 4:48 pm Published by Comments Off on Research brief: The biogeochemical structure of Southern Ocean mesoscale eddies.

CLEX researchers used real-world observations with satellite observations to calculate the quantity of nutrients carried into the Subantarctic Zone by mesoscale eddies. They found these eddies carried high nitrate and low silicate waters into the Subantarctic Zone.

Need for prediction of marine heatwaves

July 29, 2020 11:40 am Published by Comments Off on Need for prediction of marine heatwaves

CLEX researchers and colleagues have highlighted the need for the development of systems to predict marine heatwaves, which are a growing threat to marine ecosystems and industries as the climate changes.

Research brief: The shortcomings of convection-resolving models

July 3, 2020 3:53 pm Published by Comments Off on Research brief: The shortcomings of convection-resolving models

A new paper by Martin Jucker and colleagues reveals the choice of a particular convection-resolving model (CRM) has a much larger impact on the results than increasing resolution. It also suggests the behaviour of CRMs is tied to model internals instead of the phenomena they are trying to reproduce.

Research brief: Natural variations shift rain-bearing winds south

June 30, 2020 10:46 am Published by Comments Off on Research brief: Natural variations shift rain-bearing winds south

CLEX researchers found the influence of climate change and the depletion in stratospheric ozone are the major drivers over the Atlantic Oceans that shift westerly winds further south. However, over the Pacific and Indian oceans natural variations induced by sea surface temperature changes in the tropical Pacific also play an important role.

What’s in a name?

June 30, 2020 10:11 am Published by Comments Off on What’s in a name?

Kim Reid describes everything you ever wanted to know about atmospheric rivers, and then some. Front, Warm Conveyor Belt, Atmospheric River, Tropical Moisture Exports and Flexible Tubes. Are these phrases describing different phenomenon or are they merely alternative names for same system?

Research brief: Cold air below thunderstorms affects storm orientation

June 22, 2020 3:47 pm Published by Comments Off on Research brief: Cold air below thunderstorms affects storm orientation

This study investigates the influence of cold pools, which are evaporatively cooled regions of air near the surface, below thunderstorms, on the orientation of line‐organized thunderstorm clusters using computer model simulations.

Research brief: New product improves satellite rainfall estimates for data-scarce regions

June 10, 2020 3:05 pm Published by Comments Off on Research brief: New product improves satellite rainfall estimates for data-scarce regions

Researchers have developed a hybrid approach to estimate recent rainfall that combines satellite-based rainfall estimates with satellite-based soil moisture estimates. When this approach was tested against independent rain gauge measurements it showed notable improvements.