Tag Archive: CLEX

UNSW4: How well can the Australian climate model predict droughts?

August 14, 2018 4:58 pm Published by Comments Off on UNSW4: How well can the Australian climate model predict droughts?

This project will use satellite and flux tower observations to characterise the response of Australian ecosystems to water stress. These data will then be used to evaluate how well the Australian climate model predicts droughts. The successful candidate will obtain skills in programming and analysis of spatial datasets and model outputs.

UNSW3: Understanding the vertical mixing of water vapour

August 14, 2018 4:49 pm Published by Comments Off on UNSW3: Understanding the vertical mixing of water vapour

In this project, we seek to utilise 40 years of observations of water vapour profiles from the global radiosonde network to improve our process level understanding of water vapour mixing. The applicant is expected to know the basics of atmospheric physics and statistics. Some knowledge of data processing tools will be an advantage.

UMELB1: A historical analysis of Australian climate extremes (based at UMelb/BoM)

August 14, 2018 4:22 pm Published by Comments Off on UMELB1: A historical analysis of Australian climate extremes (based at UMelb/BoM)

This project provides an exciting opportunity to develop the longest homogenised daily climate record for Perth using newly digitised observations beginning in 1830. The project will involve working with BoM staff to conduct state-of-the-art quality control measures on the new historical observations to allow a reliable, long-term analysis of extremes and their possible dynamical causes.

MON5: Structure and development of Australian cold air outbreaks

August 14, 2018 3:52 pm Published by Comments Off on MON5: Structure and development of Australian cold air outbreaks

This project will see the student utilising methods previously applied to the investigation of heatwaves to improve our understanding of cold-air outbreaks over Australia, attempting to answer questions on the structure, development and termination of these events.

MON2: Lifecycles of hail storms on the east coast of Australia

August 14, 2018 3:21 pm Published by Comments Off on MON2: Lifecycles of hail storms on the east coast of Australia

This project will investigate the lifecycle of hail storms through the application of a storm-tracking algorithm. Characteristics such as storm size, velocity, and intensity will be examined for severe hail storms and compared to those for non-severe storms.

MON1: Is tropical rainfall becoming more clustered?

August 14, 2018 3:04 pm Published by Comments Off on MON1: Is tropical rainfall becoming more clustered?

In this project, we will investigate the clustering of thunderstorms using satellite observations of rainfall in the tropics. In particular, we will examine the question of whether rainfall in the tropics is becoming more clustered, and what effect this may have on heavy precipitation now and into the future. 

CLEX Directors report – August 2018

August 7, 2018 10:06 am Published by Comments Off on CLEX Directors report – August 2018

The past four months since out last newsletter has been tightly packed with the official launch of CLEX, the legacy event for ARCCSS and an acceleration in important research across all of our programs.