Tag Archive: eucalyptus

Postdoc, Research Associate: Droughts and eucalyptus trees

July 11, 2019 2:32 pm Published by Comments Off on Postdoc, Research Associate: Droughts and eucalyptus trees

The Postdoctoral Research Associate will work on a new ARC-funded project exploring how vulnerable Australia’s eucalypts are to future droughts. This project will combine data-synthesis, experimental manipulation and modelling to deliver new process-orientated insight into the response of eucalyptus trees to projected changes in the frequency, magnitude and duration of future droughts across Australia.

Research brief: Some trees may survive future heat better than expected

July 11, 2018 11:53 pm Published by Comments Off on Research brief: Some trees may survive future heat better than expected

This research suggests some trees and in particular, Australian trees, may be more resilient than expected to future warming and extreme events. These findings have implications for planning around which species to plant in “green cities” to help mitigate future climate extremes.