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Atmospheric rivers in Australia

August 4, 2022 10:27 am Published by Comments Off on Atmospheric rivers in Australia

We are conducting research to determine if we can forecast changes in the probability of extreme rainfall events associated with atmospheric rivers 2-6 weeks ahead.

Multi-year La Niña events

June 28, 2022 9:07 am Published by Comments Off on Multi-year La Niña events

La Niña is an important cause of rainfall variability of Australia. A multi-year La Niña event can be particularly important for some climate risks. Some climate models are indicating that La Niña may continue for a third year through spring and summer 2022-23, increasing the chances of more rain and flooding.

Understanding Australia’s rainfall

June 8, 2022 3:41 pm Published by Comments Off on Understanding Australia’s rainfall

By bringing together researchers focussed on the large-scale modes of climate variability with researchers investigating weather and land surface processes, our goal is to improve the regional predictions of how rainfall extremes will change in the future.

A new global picture of compounding weather and climate hazards

May 2, 2022 1:59 pm Published by Comments Off on A new global picture of compounding weather and climate hazards

The difference in results between the high-skill and low-skill CMIP6 models highlights an urgent need to examine why some models work well and some don’t, and, ultimately, improve those with weaknesses.

Climate change and tipping points

March 7, 2022 4:20 pm Published by Comments Off on Climate change and tipping points

Tipping points exist in the climate system, and it is very unlikely that all tipping points are known. Different tipping points are understood with different levels of confidence, they operate on different timescales, can interact to trigger cascades of abrupt changes, and some tipping point changes are irreversible on timescales of centuries to millennia.

Could understanding the Indian Ocean improve climate predictions for Australia?

March 3, 2022 11:33 am Published by Comments Off on Could understanding the Indian Ocean improve climate predictions for Australia?

Conditions in the Indian Ocean can affect the risk of Australia experiencing droughts, floods, marine heatwaves and bushfires and alter the prospects for rainfed agriculture in some parts of the country. Reliable forecasts of conditions in the Indian Ocean a season in advance would help us predict upcoming changes in the risk of climate extremes in some parts of Australia. However, producing such forecasts requires us to better understand, and more accurately model, relevant Indian Ocean climate processes. There is... View Article

IPCC AR6 Working Group 1 report: conclusions on the evolving risk of drought

September 7, 2021 3:58 pm Published by Comments Off on IPCC AR6 Working Group 1 report: conclusions on the evolving risk of drought

Drought is a major risk to Australia with extended periods of drought affecting our social, economic and environmental systems. The newly released report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change contains significant new assessments of the science and future projections of drought.