May 19, 2021 11:57 am
Published by Climate Extremes
The Royal Society has called for an international next-generation climate modelling centre (pdf), based on new cutting-edge high-performance computing and data services to support efforts toward net-zero emissions and to enable effective climate adaptation.
March 24, 2021 6:09 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
A letter was sent by Senators Toomey, Shelby, Crapo, Scott, Rounds, Tillis, Kennedy, Hagerty, Lummis, Moran, Cramer, and Daines to Chairman Jerome Powell of the US Federal Reserve, dated March 18 which quotes our work. We seek to clarify some substantive issues.
February 15, 2021 1:22 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
There is a great deal of misuse of climate model projections emerging in business. Climate models are being used for some purposes that are simply inappropriate leading to assessments of the physical risks to business that are of no value. However, there are ways to use climate model data that has value and can help business robustly assess some specific climate related risks.
February 9, 2021 7:47 am
Published by Climate Extremes
Climate information is at risk of being misconstrued and used inappropriately in financial reports and has the potential to expose businesses to significant risk, according to a new paper by Australian researchers.
October 23, 2020 10:24 am
Published by Climate Extremes
An international team including CLEX researchers examined models used by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) over three model phases linked to IPCC reports – CMIP3, CMIP5, and the most recent, CMIP6, to see if they improved representation of tropical rainfall.
October 20, 2020 1:41 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
An international group of researchers performed a critical review of the information infrastructure that connects ecosystem modelling and measurement efforts. This group has now proposed a roadmap to community cyber-infrastructure development that can reduce the divisions between empirical research and modelling, accelerating the pace of discovery.
June 17, 2020 12:00 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
CLEX researchers and colleagues that adding vegetation canopy architecture with zenith angular variations significantly improved photosynthesis prediction in light-limited ecosystems.
May 18, 2020 11:02 am
Published by Climate Extremes
Australian researchers assess the ability of recently released climate models to simulate the climate of Australia and the new scenarios for 21st Century climate change.
April 7, 2020 9:42 am
Published by Climate Extremes
NESP Earth Systems and Climate Change hub and CLEX have been working closely with the finance industry to assist it in understanding climate risks. The work has ranged from presentations through to catastrophe modelling for key industries.
February 11, 2020 1:45 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
CLEX researchers evaluated an updated version of CABLE climate model within a WRF physics ensemble over the CORDEX AustralAsia domain. Results were strongly dependent on the region of interest.