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UNSW06: Concurrent Hot and Dry Extremes Under Different Atmospheric Carbon Loads

August 18, 2021 9:16 am Published by Comments Off on UNSW06: Concurrent Hot and Dry Extremes Under Different Atmospheric Carbon Loads

Compound events (CEs) caused by a combination of multiple drivers often result in more severe socio-economic and ecological impacts than conventional events. One example for CEs with the potential to cause considerable negative impacts on crop yields and human health is the cooccurrence of hot and dry conditions. The student will work with climate model output from Earth System Models participating in the sixth round of the CMIP6 and assess what impact a gradual increase followed by a decrease in atmospheric carbon dioxide has on the occurrence frequency of hot and dry CEs.

UNSW05: Quantification of Continental-Scale shifts in Extreme Precipitation Intensity Across the Globe

August 18, 2021 9:15 am Published by Comments Off on UNSW05: Quantification of Continental-Scale shifts in Extreme Precipitation Intensity Across the Globe

Due to the lack of appropriate historical datasets, quantification of shifts in global extreme precipitation intensity has not been possible so far. This project will use a recently developed long-term global dataset of daily precipitation alongside a dataset of global temperature changes to calculate the CC scaling for broad climatic regions across the globe.

UNSW04: IF It Rains Does It Pour? Understanding Concomitancy of Mean and Extreme Changes in Global Daily Precipitation

August 18, 2021 9:14 am Published by Comments Off on UNSW04: IF It Rains Does It Pour? Understanding Concomitancy of Mean and Extreme Changes in Global Daily Precipitation

Recent research has shown that mean (raining) and extreme (pouring) changes can align in some regions. This project will use a recently developed long-term global dataset of daily precipitation to answer why, how and where changes in mean frequency and intensity align with changes in extreme frequency and intensity of precipitation.

UNSW03: Quantifying Urban Climate Injustice in australian Cities

August 18, 2021 9:13 am Published by Comments Off on UNSW03: Quantifying Urban Climate Injustice in australian Cities

This project aims to quantify the disproportionate exposure to urban heat intensity across major Australian cities. Urban heat stress poses a major risk to the health and wellbeing of urban dwellers. Case studies of individual cities suggest that environmental stressors such as urban heat may be unequally distributed across income groups.

UNSW02: impact of carbon dioxide removal on the marine carbon cycle

August 18, 2021 9:12 am Published by Comments Off on UNSW02: impact of carbon dioxide removal on the marine carbon cycle

The student will work with climate model output from Earth System Models participating in the sixth round of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) to assess how a gradual decrease in atmospheric carbon dioxide impacts carbon uptake and storage in the global ocean. Together with a partner project this project will test the reversibility of carbon emissions in terms of the marine system.

UNSW01: response of the marine carbon cycle to a gradual increase in atmospheric carbon

August 18, 2021 9:06 am Published by Comments Off on UNSW01: response of the marine carbon cycle to a gradual increase in atmospheric carbon

In this project the student will work with model output from Earth System Models participating in the sixth round of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) to assess how a gradual increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide impacts carbon uptake and storage in the global ocean.

ANU02: Fire Weather in Southeast Australia

July 19, 2021 1:36 pm Published by Comments Off on ANU02: Fire Weather in Southeast Australia

The passage of weather fronts over southeast Australia during the spring and summer increases the risk of dangerous fire weather. This project will carry out an analysis of observational data to determine a method for characterising when fronts have passed through southeast Australia.

ANU01: Southern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation

July 19, 2021 1:35 pm Published by Comments Off on ANU01: Southern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation

Anthropogenic climate change has been most clearly observed in the world's midlatitude regions. The limited number of observations for the Southern Hemisphere has prevented the development of a long-term understanding of these changes. This project aims to fill this critical gap by examining daily changes in Southern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation back to 1830. To do this, the project will build on recently recovered daily instrumental weather observations for southern Australia.

UMELB02: Convection and extreme rainfall characteristics using radar

March 30, 2021 10:32 am Published by Comments Off on UMELB02: Convection and extreme rainfall characteristics using radar

The accumulation of rainfall over a given area depends on a range of things, including duration, intensity, and propagation speed. It is the characteristics of convection that ultimately determine these rainfall properties. The idea for this project is to use a simple method to characterise the properties of the most intense convective / rainfall bearing systems from radar data.