Seminar: Andrew Glikson – Climate tipping points: implications of paleo-climate records

Important lessons regarding current and future climate change trends can be derived from the paleo-climate record. Particularly from abrupt events such as the Oldest dryas (~16 kyr), Older dryas (~14 kyr), Younger dryas (12.9–11.7 kyr) and the ~8.2 kyr Laurentian ice melt event all of which occurred over time-scales of a few decades to a few years.

Applying for Funding: An introduction for early career researchers.

Aurora Lecture Theatre 101 Aurora Lecture Theatre, IMAS Waterfront Building, Salamanca, Tasmania, Australia

Barbara Nowak, Zanna Chase, Paige Kelly and Sophie Bestley (University of Tasmania). Applying for Funding: An introduction for early career researchers.