Tag Archive: CLEX

CMS: Understanding the data and code publication process

December 11, 2019 2:54 am Published by Comments Off on CMS: Understanding the data and code publication process

Since 2016 CMS has helped Centre’s researchers and students publish data using the NCI data services. Here, researchers talk about their own experiences with the publication process of their data and code at NCI and Zenodo.

ECR Workshop report, December 2019

December 7, 2019 12:00 pm Published by Comments Off on ECR Workshop report, December 2019

After a very useful poll, the ECR Committee brought in some great experts who taught them art of time management, how to say no, and how to beat back imposter syndrome.

RP3: Drought report, December 2019

December 7, 2019 9:00 am Published by Comments Off on RP3: Drought report, December 2019

The drought program explains what is unusual about the current drought in Australia and in examining flaws in the Aridity Index explores how drought may change in the future.

Knowledge Brokerage Team report, December 2019

December 7, 2019 5:00 am Published by Comments Off on Knowledge Brokerage Team report, December 2019

The Knowledge Brokerage Team has existed for a little over a year and it’s timely to reflect on some of the activities the team has been involved in.

Research brief: Evaluating Himawari-8 cloud products

October 25, 2019 11:31 am Published by Comments Off on Research brief: Evaluating Himawari-8 cloud products

While the data from Himiwari-8 provides very useful data on clouds at relatively high resolution, researchers need to know if it produced any biases, particularly around cloud-top height and cloud-top temperature, whose roles are critical in shaping Earth’s climate. CLEX researchers and Australian colleagues compared the Himawari-8 data for both of these measures with existing datasets.

Research brief: Southern Ocean vortices are changing

October 22, 2019 2:26 pm Published by Comments Off on Research brief: Southern Ocean vortices are changing

The energy of vortices in the Southern Ocean has increased over the past two decades due to an increase in the mean amplitude of the vortices rather than an increase in their number.

Research brief: Rescuing centuries-old meteorological measurements

October 21, 2019 12:07 pm Published by Comments Off on Research brief: Rescuing centuries-old meteorological measurements

This paper documents the efforts of the international weather data rescue initiative ACRE, the International Surface Temperature Initiative and researchers that took part in workshops held in Bern, Switzerland, in June 2018 to rescue and digitize meteorological measurements taken prior to 1850 from around the world.