Tag Archive: ozone hole

MON01: Will ANTARCTIC OZONE HOLE RECOVERY affect australian rainfall?

August 18, 2021 11:26 am Published by Comments Off on MON01: Will ANTARCTIC OZONE HOLE RECOVERY affect australian rainfall?

Ozone depletion over Antarctica from the late 1970s to 2000 has been linked to changes in the surface climate over the Southern Hemisphere in summer, among them a more positive Southern Annular Mode (SAM). Over Australian latitudes, a more positive SAM is associated with increased rainfall over eastern Australia in the summer season. Given stratospheric ozone over Antarctica is projected to recover to 1980 levels by ~2050, the impact of ozone recovery on its own would be to reduce this upward trend in summertime rainfall over eastern Australia.


August 6, 2020 3:47 pm Published by Comments Off on MON02: THE ANTARCTIC OZONE HOLE AND AUSTRALIAN RAINFALL

In this project you will investigate the competing effects the Antarctic ozone hole and increasing greenhouse gases have on the Australian summer season rainfall, using the latest climate models. These are now available on the National Computing Infrastructure (NCI) supercomputer and are being used as input into the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Report.

CSIRO01: When will the ozone layer recover? Estimating ozone layer recovery from climate model projections

August 6, 2020 1:45 pm Published by Comments Off on CSIRO01: When will the ozone layer recover? Estimating ozone layer recovery from climate model projections

The student will produce estimates of the future evolution of ozone depleting substance concentrations, so the recovery date of the ozone hole can be estimated. Importantly, it will also be possible to estimate the uncertainty around the recovery date.