PhD opportunities: School of Science – UNSW Canberra
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We experience the weather and climate directly, by our lived experience. What matters more is the big picture we are seeing.
"It is unambiguous that climate is changing due to human activity – specifically the emissions of greenhouse gases. These are increasing the risk of some extreme events.”
Numerical models of the weather and climate system are key research tools in gaining a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that generate climate extremes. They are also our primary tool in assessing how these extremes may be affected as our planet warms. The Modelling research program at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes is therefore an underpinning and enabling activity that develops improved simulations, tools and procedures for use in all research programs across the Centre. PROJECT 1... View Article
The ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes’ Ocean Extremes research program published a range of groundbreaking research keenly focused on our three research projects and the program continued significant interactions with policymakers and industry in 2022. We have had a number of striking papers published. Some, like the paper that explored a massive phytoplankton bloom in the South Pacific, generated significant media coverage, while others had smaller media impact but a profound impact on our understanding of ocean processes.... View Article
The ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes’ Drought research program has had a very productive year, including building momentum through two in-person workshops of the research team. In March 2022 the program’s Chief Investigators and postdoctoral researchers met and developed a plan to draw together the diverse expertise of the team around a case study to understand the intense drought that impacted south-east Australia between 2017 and early 2020 – a drought which we have termed the Tinderbox Drought.... View Article
The Attribution and Risk research program had a busy start to the year, organising and participating in a number of seminars and meetings around the February and March extreme rainfall events in Queensland and NSW and associated floods. This included substantial outreach through media interviews and briefing notes on extreme rainfall, atmospheric rivers, compound events and the triple-dip La Niña, as well as contributions to the 2022 NSW Flood Inquiry. The extent to which climate change played a role in... View Article
The Weather and Climate Interactions research program investigates climate, and especially climate extremes, through a weather lens.
When researchers at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes discovered that rapid rain bursts in Sydney had intensified by 40 percent in two decades, it caught the attention of the prestigious journal Science. With Science’s publication impending, the Centre’s Engagement and Impact team snapped into action, working with the researchers to do as follows: The Results The rapid rain bursts media story received over 370 media mentions from Australian and international media, reaching a potential audience of more... View Article
Associate Professor Melissa Hart has been the heart of the Researcher Development Program since the inception of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, in 2017.