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This is Australia’s most important report on the environment’s deteriorating health. We present its grim findings

July 19, 2022 10:04 am Published by Comments Off on This is Australia’s most important report on the environment’s deteriorating health. We present its grim findings

Many Australian ecosystems have evolved to rebound from extreme “natural” events such as bushfires. But the frequency, intensity, and compounding nature of recent events are greater than they’ve experienced throughout their recent evolutionary history.

No more excuses: restoring nature is not a silver bullet for global warming, we must cut emissions outright

July 12, 2022 10:18 am Published by Comments Off on No more excuses: restoring nature is not a silver bullet for global warming, we must cut emissions outright

We now need new international cooperation and agreements to stop expansion of fossil fuels globally and for governments to strengthen their national climate pledges under the Paris Agreements ratcheting mechanism. Promises of carbon dioxide removals via land cannot justify delays in these necessary actions.

Our flood predictions are getting worse as the climate changes. We have to understand how hills shape floods

June 29, 2022 2:15 pm Published by Comments Off on Our flood predictions are getting worse as the climate changes. We have to understand how hills shape floods

Floods are a difficult challenge for societies to deal with around the world. That’s because coping with floods requires us to make long-term decisions about where we live, how we live, and what we build in the face of a rapidly changing climate. To fully address these problems is an international, multidisciplinary task for scientists, engineers, planners, policymakers and decision makers.