Tag Archive: Mandy Freund

Research brief: How Central Pacific El Niños affect rainfall over the Murray Darling basin

March 18, 2021 1:16 pm Published by Comments Off on Research brief: How Central Pacific El Niños affect rainfall over the Murray Darling basin

This research around central Pacific El Niños is important for agricultural and water resources planning efforts in the Murray Darling Basin region and may help with seasonal prediction efforts to predict drought‐breaking rain such as occurred in early 2020.

Conferences in the time of COVID

February 26, 2021 11:50 am Published by Comments Off on Conferences in the time of COVID

This time last year Kim Reid was planning a Euro-adventure where she would attend a summer school in the Swiss Alps, attend EGU, visit Reading and the Met Office and explore some castles on the side. Now she and her supervisor joke that if case numbers stay low, Kim might be able to visit a university in the same city.

Media communications report – August 2018

August 1, 2019 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on Media communications report – August 2018

The past four months have seen a lot of activity around workshops, the continuing submission of research briefs (which allows us to post about the research on social media), plenty of classic traditional media activity and a new social media account.

Recent El Niño behaviour is unprecedented in the last 400 years

June 5, 2019 3:47 pm Published by Comments Off on Recent El Niño behaviour is unprecedented in the last 400 years

In a world first, CLEX researchers have produced a 400-year-long record of El Nino activity. This gives us an entirely new insight into the behaviour of these high impact events and reveals unprecedented changes over the past 30 years.

CLEX Directors report – August 2018

August 7, 2018 10:06 am Published by Comments Off on CLEX Directors report – August 2018

The past four months since out last newsletter has been tightly packed with the official launch of CLEX, the legacy event for ARCCSS and an acceleration in important research across all of our programs.

Extreme Rainfall RP report – August 2018.

August 4, 2018 5:17 am Published by Comments Off on Extreme Rainfall RP report – August 2018.

The Extreme Rainfall Research Program has put personnel in place and is working on research into how extreme rainfall is represented in models.