December 15, 2023 2:57 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
As the summer continues many of us are experiencing very hot temperatures. It is important to be prepared for extreme conditions which can lead to heat stress.
September 19, 2023 12:00 am
Published by Climate Extremes
We can expect more intense and frequent El Niño and La Niña events.
August 8, 2023 8:30 am
Published by Climate Extremes
We used an atmospheric model from the Met office in the UK called the unified model to simulate one of the black summer bushfire events.
August 8, 2023 8:11 am
Published by Climate Extremes
The presence of groundwater in forested areas reduces rainfall loss in wet periods and maintains soil moisture in dry periods.
August 8, 2023 8:05 am
Published by Climate Extremes
This study is an example how models help us to examine and understand how ocean currents behave and how they impact our environment.
August 3, 2023 1:14 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
There are many types of climate models, and they vary widely in complexity.
August 1, 2023 2:18 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
Climate and tech experts come together to lower barriers with Earth Virtualization Engines (EVE).
July 19, 2023 1:35 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
Ocean models are important because the ocean acts as a buffer for climate change. It does this by absorbing heat and carbon dioxide associated with human activities. Ocean models are a useful tool to study the ocean and to understand how it is changing. Understanding ocean circulation around Antarctica is critical to understanding global sea level rise and the 3-dimensional circulation of the global ocean. Unfortunately, observations of this very remote region are limited. Ocean models are therefore a crucial tool... View Article
July 19, 2023 1:10 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
A Weather Forecast Model is used to forecast the weather of tomorrow, or a few days into the future. The model uses detailed information from satellites, surface observations, aircraft and ships to produce the best possible knowledge of the atmosphere, ocean and land. These observations are brought together in the form of an initial state for the model and this initial state is evolved forward in time on a large computer system for a number of days. One of the... View Article
July 18, 2023 1:15 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
Climate models are continuously evolving and improving, becoming more skilful tools that provide us with an indication of what our future may look like. Climate models have improved over time. The figure below shows the projected global temperature change from various models, since the early 1970s, and how the observations compared to the models. Although some models show higher or lower warming than observed, climate models have proved to be generally in agreement with observations. All the models show surface... View Article